What to expect
Something that Cascade Engineering avidly supports is work experience. Every year we invite students from late GCSE upwards to come and work with us for anything from a week to a year.
The last few years have seen us train two degree level students, who conducted their placement year (Masters) with us and a further two who have spent shorter, 3 month (Bachelors) placements in our offices. We have also had four school age students come to us for week long placements. If you would like to do any form of work experience with us, please contact us using the form on the Contact us page, or give us a call. For a detailed insight into what we do, see below.
Unfortunately, this is dependent on the current situation with regard to Covid 19 restrictions.
We are an engineering office that performs various analyses, generally using a range of computer software packages. We have no manufacturing capability and therefore do not conduct any fabrication or manufacture, so you will be situated in an entirely office based environment. The following list provides some examples of the tasks you could perform whilst on a placement with us:
- Interrogate Finite Element Models to extract loads, stresses and other types of data
- Use complex functions in MS/Excel to manipulate loads, calculate stresses and strains in a component
- Learn about metallic materials, composite structures and lay-ups
- Be exposed to Static, Fatigue & Damage Tolerance and Dynamic response analysis
- Use 3D modelling (CAD) software to manipulate models of components
- Learn about structural concepts and how to write Stress Dossiers and engineering reports
- Develop an appreciation of the design process, the work environment and the aerospace industry in general
- We will endeavour to expose you to the real work we do and your efforts may form part of our delivery and support the development of a live or future product
We are a small team and this allows us to take the time to show prospective engineers what it is really like working in our industry sector.